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What evidence do you need to back up an ERISA claim?

On Behalf of | Sep 24, 2021 | ERISA

As a worker in New Jersey, you have a right to file for an ERISA disability claim if you become injured and can no longer work. However, when you are preparing your claim, you must have certain evidence in place to support it. Here are the steps you have to take.

Why do you need evidence for your ERISA claim?

Anyone filing ERISA disability claims is required to include evidence with their claim. This is because a claims adjuster will investigate your situation to determine whether you are truly injured and rendered disabled. If the evidence supports your claim, it will be approved, but if your claim lacks sufficient evidence, your claim can be denied.

You are also required to show that you have a qualifying medical condition in order to have your claim approved. Having the right documentation of your condition from your doctor can help.

How are you eligible for ERISA?

Eligibility for ERISA is determined by your type of disability. It can cover long-term or short-term plans, but whatever type of injury or medical condition affects you, it has to prevent you from doing your job in order for you to be eligible.

What evidence do you need to show to support your claim?

ERISA disability claims require evidence of your medical condition. You must include all the information of your condition, doctors and other healthcare providers as well as their contact information. You may want information such as your medical records, diagnostics test results, letters from doctors and other healthcare providers explicitly explaining your condition and your resume. On your resume, you should have details about your education, work experience and evaluations on tasks you have performed at work.

Always seek help when preparing your ERISA claim and supporting evidence. You will want to make sure all your paperwork is in order and backs up your claim.
